Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Pentingnya Chemistry dalam Hubungan

Senin, 18 Mei 2009 | 13:41 WIB - Seorang rekan membatalkan rencana pernikahannya dengan pria yang beberapa tahun ini menjadi kekasihnya. Padahal, tidak ada masalah besar yang menjadi penghalang atau perusak hubungan mereka. Mulanya masing-masing hanya merasa masih ingin bersenang-senang, ingin bebas melakukan apa saja yang diinginkan. Setelah berdialog lebih lama, muncul fakta berikutnya: masing-masing ternyata belum terlalu sreg dengan pasangannya. Istilahnya, "enggak demen-demen amat". Tampaknya, meskipun tidak mereka sadari, di antara mereka tidak ada chemistry. Akibatnya, muncul keraguan: bisa nggak sih mereka hidup bersama sampai tua nanti?

Sang rekan tampaknya lega dengan keputusannya. Daripada hubungannya dengan sang kekasih garing sampai tua, lebih baik mereka mundur dan memberi waktu pada diri masing-masing untuk mengetahui apa yang diinginkan dalam sebuah hubungan. Apalah artinya kalau menjalin hubungan hanya supaya memiliki pasangan, namun tidak ada ikatan emosional dalam diri masing-masing?

Menurut Toni Coleman, pendiri Consum-mate Relationship Coaching, ada keyakinan bahwa cinta sejati tak mungkin hadir tanpa chemistry. Karena itu orang-orang yang sedang melakukan pendekatan biasanya akan memutuskan, jika mereka mengalami perasaan yang intens terhadap seseorang, maka mereka sudah memiliki dasar untuk membangun hubungan yang ideal dan awet. Namun menurut Coleman, definisi chemistry tidak terbatas pada respons fisik seseorang kepada orang lain. Untuk mengetahui apakah Anda memiliki koneksi yang tepat dengan calon atau pasangan Anda saat ini, penting untuk memiliki pengetahuan mendasar mengenai apa yang disebut sebagai chemistry.

Anda mungkin merasa begitu mencintai pasangan karena ia tampan atau dapat menjadi partner seksual yang hebat. Namun di saat lain Anda mengeluhkan mengapa ia enggan mendengarkan kejadian penting apa yang Anda alami di kantor, atau ia membiarkan Anda kelelahan mengurusi rumah setiap hari. Ketertarikan secara fisik tak bisa disamakan dengan chemistry yang sesungguhnya. Hubungan seperti ini tidak memiliki elemen yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat membangun kebersamaan yang bahagia dan saling memuaskan.

Kahlil Gibran menggambarkannya sebagai "kedekatan spiritual". Hal ini terjadi ketika Anda bertemu seseorang dan dengan cepat terjalin suatu hubungan yang lebih dalam, dan hanya dapat dirasakan dalam hati dan jiwa. Apakah yang tidak ditemukan contoh kasus di atas? Yaitu persahabatan, respek, humor, perasaan hangat, dan kesenangan yang dirasakan dengan kehadiran pasangan.

Ketertarikan fisik biasanya kita alami ketika pertama kali bertemu seseorang. Setelah lama mengenalnya, kita bisa saja makin menyukainya, atau bisa juga malah ilfil. Dalam ketertarikan fisik terjadi reaksi kimia yang disebut phenyl ethylamine (PEA). Substansi ini pada dasarnya sudah terdapat di dalam otak, dan disebut sebagai natural amphetamine. Substansi ini menstimulasi kita dan meningkatkan energi fisik dan emosional. Ketertarikan itu sendiri menyebabkan kita memproduksi lebih banyak PEA, yang hasilnya adalah perasaan campur-aduk saat jatuh cinta. Substansi lain yang dilepaskan oleh PEA adalah dopamine, yang meningkatkan hasrat kedekatan secara fisik, dan terkoneksi secara intim.

Ketika zat-zat kimiawi ini dilepaskan dalam jumlah besar, mereka mengirim sinyal dari otak ke organ tubuh yang lain. Jika Anda bingung mengapa Anda tertarik dengan orang yang, misalnya, bukan tipe Anda, hal ini mungkin karena kadar respons fisik Anda terhadap substansi ini tinggi. Akhirnya, kemampuan Anda untuk membuat "penilaian" terhadap pria tersebut menjadi kacau-balau.

"Kedekatan secara spiritual" berkembang sejalan dengan waktu dan kontak yang dilakukan terus-menerus. Ketika perasaan ini mulai muncul, otak memproduksi endorphin. Substansi ini lebih seperti morphine, dan menghasilkan peningkatan rasa tenang yang mengurangi kegelisahan. Begitu hubungan Anda berlanjut ke tahap ini, hubungan tersebut akan lebih dilandasi kenyamanan, komitmen, dan persahabatan.

Hubungan "soul mate", pada dasarnya membutuhkan beberapa elemen ini. Namun, elemen-elemen tersebut muncul tahap demi tahap. Tidak berarti ketertarikan fisik akan hilang ketika Anda memasuki hubungan yang lebih dalam, namun hal itu akan berubah. Kita tidak lagi mengalami perasaan yang meluap-luap, atau berbunga-bunga, begitu kita menjalani hubungan yang berangkat dari komitmen. Meskipun begitu, dalam hubungan yang sehat pun Anda tetap dapat merasakan momen yang intens tersebut. Misalnya, ketika Anda merasa ada yang kurang dalam diri Anda ketika suami tengah bertugas ke luar kota. Yang Anda rasakan bukan sekadar kangen, tetapi Anda merasa ada sebagian diri Anda yang hilang, atau tidak lengkap. Demikian pula yang dirasakan oleh pasangan terhadap Anda.

Nah, beruntunglah Anda yang memiliki chemistry yang begitu dalam dengan suami, karena tidak semua pasangan merasakannya.

Jika Mencintai Seseorang

Orang banyak yang mengatakan cinta adalah khayalan, cinta tidak bisa kita lihat, cinta hanya bisa kita rasakan.Cinta bukanlah suatu kutukan, tapi cinta adalah suatu kebanggaan. Cinta membuat kita punya perasaan, punya perhatian dan punya perubahan.Hargailah Orang yang kita cintai, karena kita akan dihargai sebagai orang yang dicintai.Dengan cinta kita tidak perlu takut untuk berkorban baginya (orang yang kita cintai), walau nanti terasa berat, namun lakukanlah demi cinta.Kita tidak boleh membiarkannya merasa sendiri, menanggung lukanya seorang diri, tanpa punya teman berbagi.Kita jangan pernah ragu untuk menegurnya, menariknya dari tepi jurang dalam, menjauhkannya dari kata penyesalan.Dan kita jangan pernah hilangkan percaya, tak perlu menyiksa diri dalam curiga, membawa diri dalam sakit hati.Tanyakan pada diri kita, "kenapa harus kamu yang aku cintai....."Tanyakan kepada dirinya, "kenapa harus aku yang kamu cintai...."Inilah cinta...Bukanlah suatu kebahagiaan yang tanpa pengorbanan.Namun akan ada hasil yang didapatkan dari pengorbanan itu.Ingat satu hal CINTA bukanlah singkatan "CERITA INDAH NAMUN TIADA ARTI" tapi cinta adalah perasaan untuk saling menyukai dan menyayangi.

Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

How to Get Your Ex Back - Things You Should and Should NOT Do


Getting back with your ex might seem so hard to you but chances are it is not, only IF you have a plan. Like anything in life, you NEED a plan. You cannot go just on feeling. So I'm sure you are wondering, "So whats the plan?" . There are things you should do and things you should definitely not do. Before we talk about your plan, let's talk about how you feel after a break up.

It's normal for people to feel depressed after a breakup. We're in such a routine with one person that when that person is no longer there, we feel sad. A broken heart is difficult to cope with. Especially since you did not want to break up. But it's very important that you don't fall into a routine of sadness, when you're working toward getting back with your ex. You don't want to make it even harder to get back with your ex by constantly feeling sorry for yourself. You have to stay positive if you really want your ex back. So you have to....

Avoid doing these things:

- Sleeping all day long

- Avoid going out with friends and staying home

- Drinking too much alcohol (especially because it leads to drunk-dialing and text messaging)

- Constantly talking about your breakup to anyone who will listen

- Making big life decisions

- Calling sick to work often

And definitely don't do these things

- Calling to much right after the breakup

- Begging them to take you back

- Promise to fix everything and change for good

- Trying to fix the breakup through texts, Facebook, Myspace, or e-mail.

- Try and convince them you are the one true love for them

While it may be tempting to just lay in bed all day watching TV, you HAVE to continue living your life normally. Eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and do things you like to do. Staying busy is important! Especially don't want your ex to know you've been super depressed about them. By not falling into a depression it will make it much easier to get back with your ex.

Remember getting back with your ex will NOT happen overnight. You NEED to have a plan, without a plan you could potentially make it worse than it already is and then you will have no chance of getting back with your ex.

And there is a plan for you out there. To discover that click here where it shows the plan to get that ex back into your life. I hope you really do.
by Benjamin Hsu

Senin, 19 Januari 2009

Real True Love is Just Perfect

By Francis K Githinji
When you say you love someone truly what do you mean? Do you see the person and all you feel is some sort of excitement that goes on in your body? Is love according you a feeling that one feels when they see another person? You could be right for after all, you cannot say you love someone and you feel nothing for them. There has to be some sort of attraction between the two of you. However, a real true love is more than a feeling. True love is about sacrificing your self for a person. When you realize that you can sacrifice anything for your mate then you can say that you are truly in love. If you cannot afford to sacrifice your time and everything that you can, then you do not love.

True love is patient. It will wait for the mate to be ready to take the relationship to another level. Never will true love force one to have sex with them to prove a point. No one has to sleep with anyone before the other person knows that they love them. True love is never about sex anyway. It is about companionship, love, care and understanding. A deeper understanding of each other that only people who love each other and share things about each other really understands. So if you are not patient don't say you love someone. You don't. However do not worry, there is an amount of impatience that is acceptable.

Real true love is about being there for each other. If one of you is feeling down on himself or herself, the other person will be there to try to make them feel better about a situation. When the person is broke, do you avoid the person like he was some kind of a leaper? If you do so then you cannot say you have true love. True love is about keeping it real and understanding that things can go wrong at one time, so wrong that both of you wouldn't not know what to do but true love should be able to put a smile on your faces every time you think about the love for each other.
True love makes the world go round. It might never be able to provide food, shelter and drinks but it will provide you with peace. Peace that you might not be able to experience if you were not truly in love. If anyone should fail, true love is not going to judge him or her but rather try to get him or her to rise above their failures and try harder. That is just what true love can do to you. So in case you are wondering whether you and your mate have true love, look at how you behave and whether the two of you are patient, kind, loving, understanding, respectful of each other, caring and above all you spend time together and do not judge each other.

What True Love Means in Reality ?

By Francis K Githinji
True love really exists. It is very rare but some people are lucky enough to find it. If you are one of those lucky people who have found true love, make sure you hold on to it. Never ever make people you love feel like you are using them and that you do not love. This is because they might leave when you least expect it. However, there are some people who think that they are in love and that there love is true only for them to discover otherwise. True love means that a person loves you more than enough never to let you go. When you need him or her the most, they will be there to hold your hands and to assure you that things are going to be okay. True love will not bolt on the first sign of trouble.

True love means that the two people who say they love each other really love each other. They do not only say it to themselves and the people who are listening but they act on it. True love is never one sided where by one of the person in the relationship loves the other more than the other. It has to be at least equal and if it is not equal the difference should not be too great that is quite noticeable by people who were not even looking. True love is selfless, that is just what true love means.
True love means so many things. Among those things is that true love is all about sharing. People who love each other share things that affect them. They will not also say that something belongs to them and the other person should not touch it. True love will allow you to share each others things. Now here comes the complicated staff. True love though allows people to share things; true love is also respectful of people's possessions. They will not misuse them in the name of loving each other but rather they will be careful while using their partner's things. They will even ask for permission to use the staff before they even try to get any where near it. So do not hide behind true love and spoil your partner's things and expect them to understand because they love you.

True love means that you trust each other enough to close your eyes and let your partner lead the way. That means you believe in him or her and you know that they cannot hurt you because they love you. It also believes and trusts that you are not having a relationship behind their backs and that even if you went out, it wouldn't be to have an affair with someone else but it would be because you want to have fun with you friends. True love is everlasting and because of that it plans right ahead. If a person does not love you, you will not hear of any plans for the future. All their talks will be the present and never will you hear anything about the future.

What is True Love?

By Elizabeth Fink
What is true love? I think the answer to this is quite simple. True love is being able to feel vulnerable with another person and being able to trust them. Looking around these days "true love" is something very hard to find. Why?
It is because most are walking around waiting to find their perfect mate rather than working on being the perfect mate. Of course perfection is nothing that will ever be achieved but at least it gives us something to strive for.
So, if we want someone to fall in love with us... what can we do? We can be honest with them, we can be kind to them, we can assure them that we will not use them, manipulate them, or take advantage of them. We can be dependable so they will know that we will be there for them. This is what we can do to find "true love."
What else can we do to find "true love?" We can be forgiving and understanding that perfection is something that will never be achieved. We can certainly work on being perfect people but ever getting there we must admit is a fairy tale. We can take control of our own behavior instead of blaming our partners. We can say we are sorry even if we didn't "start it."
So, if this is what love requires, it is obvious why it is something very hard to find. People continue to blame each other for their own behavior rather than taking responsibility for their own. "True love" requires both people willing to work on it, take responsibility for their own behavior, and willing to strive for "perfection" knowing that it is something that will never be achieved.
Once you understand what "true love" is, it will be much easier for you to find.

Real True Love Or Just Infatuation?

By Kelly Schmidt
This article is about how to tell the difference between real love and infatuation. People have an ideal image of the person that they want to fall in love with. When they find someone who meets that ideal image, then they are attracted to them. If the people stay together and get to know everything about each other, then love will develop over time.
The person in love knows all about their beloved's faults and shortcomings and they still care deeply about them. Their whole behavior is directed toward the other person's happiness. The infatuated person sees their adored one as perfect and flawless and they can become absorbed in daydreaming about them. They are more in love with their feelings than with the other person. True love does not diminish when you are apart. If you have doubts, the love is superficial. The infatuated person always thinks about how to impress the other person. In true love, you know that you are loved for who and what you are. Love is a private bond. If it is true, you will not allow your intimate details to be made public. You should talk about each other's views on money and children, especially if you want to get married.
Jealousy is a sign of possessiveness, not true love. A little bit of jealousy is normal if you love each other, but extreme jealousy is insecurity. You can be jealous without even being in love. These are some of the differences between love and infatuation.

Love is Everywhere

By Arvind Katoch

Yes, love is every where. Love is in me, Love is in you and Love is there in everything on this earth because love is God and God is Love. Love provides us the opportunity to have the divine experience. Scientifically it is difficult to tell the causes of love. Still Love can do miracles. It does not cost anything to share and give Love. True Love always multiplies itself and never reduces. Now the question arises how to tell which true Love is and which is a fake one.
This question has very simple answer. We can never now the real feeling of the other person and for searching true love, we also do not need to worry about it. If our own feelings are true then it is defiantly a true love. We do not need other acceptance or approval for it. In love it matters only how we are ready to give. It is very easy to give love to others. We will always get many times more love in return. However there is one condition that our love should be free of any expectation.
Indian God Krishna only did love and love. He is a symbol of love and picture of love itself. We usually run here and there in the search of love and never find it but we forget to search what is near us. Love is here in our self, only we need to give it to other. If you offer others love then they are not going to return you hatred. They will also return you love. Love is very simple still so many people are not able to understand because they do not love themselves. First lesson in love is to love you.

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Finding True Love Online

Finding true love online has always been debatable. Some say; you can’t fall in love with a total stranger. Well, no matter where you meet someone, initially they are a stranger. There is no way around that.

When finding love online, you have to approach it differently. Take your not let your loneliness force you to rush into a relationship blindly.

If you do? You will be sorry...

Ask subtle questions...”are you close to your family?” If their entire family has disowned them, there is probably a very good reason. Don’t overlook this bit of information.

“Do you see your children often?” If the response is no...and they go on a verbal tirade about how unfair the family court laws are...and if they had their way, they wouldn’t pay a dime! He could be telling you, he doesn’t take his responsibilities seriously. And, if he could find a way out of his obligations, he would gladly take it! Big Red Flag...

“Do you enjoy what you do?” What you don’t want to hear is: “I hate my job, my bosses and my coworkers! The whole country is screwed up! The rich get richer, and us poor saps just get poorer! One of these days...I’m going to take what’s mine!”

Bright Red Flag...

The response to a simple question like, “so, how are you?” can give you a lot of clues!

Listen closely to the tone as well as the response...“My day? You don’t even want to know! My shoe heel got caught on the frayed carpet and I stumbled and fell. Then when I went to get the newspaper, the gate was open and the neighbor’s stupid, yapping dog was peeing on it! Now, if that wasn’t enough, I was stopped because my brake light wasn’t working, and the cop had the nerve to say I had a bad attitude! Hell yeah I had an attitude...because of him, I was late to work!...Again!” He refuses to take responsibility for any part of his life. Everything that happened was totally under his control. Blind-as-a-bat-red flag!

Yes, finding true love online is possible! Online and off, people give us clues to who they are. If we choose to ignore the clues, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Don’t let that happen to you. There are quality singles online to fall in love with. Don’t let yourself settle for anything less!
by: Vivian Johnson

Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

To Love Or To Be In Love

by: Adeyemi Adetosoye

What is the basic difference between loving someone and being in love with the person? Before we can be sure that we have found true love, we need to be sure what these two terminologies mean.

Is it possible to meet someone, connect with the person and love the person’s personality, way of life, etc? Truly be comfortable with such a person? Certainly! Most of us know significant others in our lives who fall into this category. At the same time, it is possible to totally connect with a significant other and feel the butterflies every time with this person.

But the latter scenario could very much be a crush or an obsession. How do we know that our feelings don’t fall into the latter group? To understand my discourse, we need to understand the various emotions at work in the different scenarios.

Firstly, the crush or obsession: One feels a crush for another person, for no good reason at all. Often, the object of the crush may not even be aware of it. It can be described as an irrational desire and/or admiration for the other person, which is totally uncalled for, or has no rational cause. Usually, this desire is almost purely physical: has to do with physical beauty, carriage, manners, smell, etc of the other person. It is a likeness from a distance, such that one has for someone whom one doesn’t even speak to, or in close proximity, with someone whom one just says hello. At best, these feelings are juvenile, immature and usually manifest in the awkward years of a teenager.

The obsession, however, is a more mature form of the crush. While the crush may be teenage in origin, the obsession stems from an advanced stage of the crush, where emotions and thoughts have been nurtured continuously to an inferno. Usually, at the obsessive stage, the obsessive person has plucked up the courage to develop some little relationship with the object of his or her desire without the latter being aware of it. What makes the latter an obsession is that the object of the desire is either unaware of this desire, or doesn’t appreciate it.

Now, to the crux: What is the difference between being in love and not being in love? It is the butterflies! When a relationship is still young, and both parties are starry-eyed about each other, they believe they are in love. They feel the butterflies. But true love must be tested, time and again.

Love that tests true to diverse storms and passes the true love tests may not feel the butterflies and starry-eyed-ness of the young hot couple next door, who can’t take their eyes or hands off each other. When a relationship which goes through stormy times (this is a must for every relationship) and still endures, it means that the butterflies still persist. The other person still gives you a reason to hold on; still has that something; the fire, the smile, the look in their eyes, the personality, the charm to make you still hold on, despite all the ups and downs. At this level, you know that you love that person truly.

But what about the others that are really sweet and loveable people? Sure, they exist; we definitely do know them. These are people we do love, but not with the same intensity. Yes, we will miss them in our lives, if it comes down to it; yes, we will miss them like we will miss an old friend or colleague or a really dear one. This is the love we have for our family members but may not quite make the grade, when it comes to a life partner. The love you have for someone you want to make your life partner needs to be stronger than filial love, because you want to hang in there, for better or worse, till death do us part.

Understanding these core differences, immediately opens our eye of understanding to know exactly what emotions we feel and where we stand with the various loved ones in our lives.

Can Friendship Turn To Romance?

by: Jason Rase

It is important to be really systematic for turning friendship into romance. Friendship and romance are inseparable in many cases, but it is not universally true for all. Many people are enjoying their romantic life that they started with friendship a long back. On the other hand, the diametrically opposite situation may happen to your life also…you can lose your intimate friend in the mire of romance. It is the mystery of psychology that propels human beings to behave like this. But, we should always follow what our mind directs us to do. If you feel to make a romantic relationship with your friend, do not hesitate to march forward until you get him/her.

Just think of the situation – you have a friend, who understands you well, who knows you and would stand beside you in all situations; he/she is certainly the perfect match for your romantic life. The most important thing is that your have to be pragmatic enough to make her/him understand the situation, otherwise everything will be lost in the wave of time.

Romancing close friends can be risky – they may take the relationship as granted at the beginning…and you may have to face a false situation. If you are honest about your aims and objectives, do not hesitate! You know her well right from her earlier days and vice versa…and it is assumed that the relationship that exists between you can never be altered even if the sky comes down to the earth. A true friend can bring success, happiness and all the treasures in life. Honesty will pay for you and if you are honest to bring your relationship to romance, none has the power to stop that.

Most of the people assume lot of things at the beginning of any friendship. They start daydreaming and finish as a loser. It should be kept in mind that mere assuming would not pay you until you have an utmost desire to fulfill your demand. If you are too crazy to make a romantic relationship with your close friend…take time and wait for the perfect time to tell her. You would have to change certain things of you. Your lip service can play a big role to canalize your friendship to romance. Tell expressively and persuasively that you love her from your heart. If she does not want to change the equation of the relationship immediately, do not be worried; keep on persuading her and you would get the result in no time. In such cases faith and honesty work a lot.

It is necessary to bring certain changes within you; otherwise it would be too tough for you to transfer your relationship from friendship to romance. First of all, get a different look – always dress elegantly and spray perfume frequently, so that she can observe some changes in you. Be realistic and create an opportunity for her to come closure to you. Suppose, both of you are in a stroll, what you need to do is that place your palm near her waist and smoothly start rubbing until she gets aroused sexually. Wait for the perfect time - hold her hand and kiss. If she agrees with your gesture, carry on kissing in different places including lip, breast and more. Try to be direct with her and make no hesitation in asking for dating. Say, whatever you have at the earliest, because nobody knows what may happen in the days to come. Still, you need to be practical enough to judge the perfect time and place and of course, of the mental state of your beloved. Be true to your heart and do not fear from rejection. Keep a positive outlook and you can earn your desired soul by applying the tried and tested law.

Once she shows any positive sign of continuing romance, try to make it doubly sure by giving her romantic gifts and sumptuous treats at renowned restaurants. Whenever you get spare time, go to your nearby park or at the riverside. Speak in romantic tone and pick out some happy memories of the past. It will simply create magic for you. Make scope for her to vent out her emotional stories of her life. Sit closer to her and continue rubbing her body, so that she can feel good. Look for the opportunity to stimulate her physically as well as emotionally… if you can do so, you are rest assured of winning half the battle. She is not expected to tell about this incident to anyone; it is because of two separate reasons. Firstly, she would not like to create any gossip amongst her friends and secondly, she would not like to debar her from getting sexual pleasure.

So, be free from hesitation and enjoy the ultimate friendship through making love. Always remember the proverb – "Marriages are made in heaven" and if it is true, you do not need to bother about the consequences. Go and tell your friend!!! She would definitely reciprocate your feelings. It is quite possible that she is also making her mind for you…


We can only identify true love and know when we have found it, based on the Word of God. When we match our relationships up to what the Bible says that love is—and we are honestly prepared to make a life-long commitment to that person—then we can say that we are truly “in love.” The three keys to that statement are:

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