Senin, 19 Januari 2009

Real True Love Or Just Infatuation?

By Kelly Schmidt
This article is about how to tell the difference between real love and infatuation. People have an ideal image of the person that they want to fall in love with. When they find someone who meets that ideal image, then they are attracted to them. If the people stay together and get to know everything about each other, then love will develop over time.
The person in love knows all about their beloved's faults and shortcomings and they still care deeply about them. Their whole behavior is directed toward the other person's happiness. The infatuated person sees their adored one as perfect and flawless and they can become absorbed in daydreaming about them. They are more in love with their feelings than with the other person. True love does not diminish when you are apart. If you have doubts, the love is superficial. The infatuated person always thinks about how to impress the other person. In true love, you know that you are loved for who and what you are. Love is a private bond. If it is true, you will not allow your intimate details to be made public. You should talk about each other's views on money and children, especially if you want to get married.
Jealousy is a sign of possessiveness, not true love. A little bit of jealousy is normal if you love each other, but extreme jealousy is insecurity. You can be jealous without even being in love. These are some of the differences between love and infatuation.

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