Getting back with your ex might seem so hard to you but chances are it is not, only IF you have a plan. Like anything in life, you NEED a plan. You cannot go just on feeling. So I'm sure you are wondering, "So whats the plan?" . There are things you should do and things you should definitely not do. Before we talk about your plan, let's talk about how you feel after a break up.
It's normal for people to feel depressed after a breakup. We're in such a routine with one person that when that person is no longer there, we feel sad. A broken heart is difficult to cope with. Especially since you did not want to break up. But it's very important that you don't fall into a routine of sadness, when you're working toward getting back with your ex. You don't want to make it even harder to get back with your ex by constantly feeling sorry for yourself. You have to stay positive if you really want your ex back. So you have to....
Avoid doing these things:
- Sleeping all day long
- Avoid going out with friends and staying home
- Drinking too much alcohol (especially because it leads to drunk-dialing and text messaging)
- Constantly talking about your breakup to anyone who will listen
- Making big life decisions
- Calling sick to work often
And definitely don't do these things
- Calling to much right after the breakup
- Begging them to take you back
- Promise to fix everything and change for good
- Trying to fix the breakup through texts, Facebook, Myspace, or e-mail.
- Try and convince them you are the one true love for them
While it may be tempting to just lay in bed all day watching TV, you HAVE to continue living your life normally. Eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and do things you like to do. Staying busy is important! Especially don't want your ex to know you've been super depressed about them. By not falling into a depression it will make it much easier to get back with your ex.
Remember getting back with your ex will NOT happen overnight. You NEED to have a plan, without a plan you could potentially make it worse than it already is and then you will have no chance of getting back with your ex.
And there is a plan for you out there. To discover that click here where it shows the plan to get that ex back into your life. I hope you really do.
by Benjamin Hsu